For me, the early 90's was a period of time when Mike truly became like my brother. He introduced me to cycling. Sharing the adventure of the road was thrilling and brought constant challenges. With Mike behind me pushing me up the hill or allowing me to draft behind him as we fought head winds I always knew I could break the walls that I faced. I take that with me in life. But for me our special time together was sitting along side the road drinking gatorade and eating fig newtons. This was the time we talked and shared. Mike listened to me. Not only did he listen but he also shared life experiences. He made me laugh when I needed it and he gave me insight and advice that I will keep with me always. In his special way he made me a better step-parent to Morgan and Jared, and a better wife for Steve, a better person. He will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart. I will miss you dearly.
The weekend adventures that Steve and I shared with Mike and Judy have been truly amazing.
Memories that will never fade.

Snowshoeing on Mt. Rainier......
Mike, until we see you again, scope out a few heavenly adventures for us to take together when we get there. Merrilee
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