I was planning on proposing to Stace on March 12th. I had the place all picked out, it was perfect...so I thought. I wanted to show my dad and get his approval, in his own way he was a romantic. When I pulled up the location I had planned to take her, he said "Ocean Sores!?! You can't take her there, Brian." After we canceled that reservation the search began. Dad and I talked and reminsiced about Stacy and I's story and how life had brought us back together. He was so proud of me and loved Stacy so dearly. To dad, marriage was just a symbol, but in our conversation he already called Stace his daughter. To hear my dad say that makes me think he had this all planned out.:) After much discussion we decided on Kalaloch Lodge, a cabin overlooking the ocean. My parents had stayed there before to celebrate an anniversary.
After talking it over with the family they assured me there was no way in hell dad would want me to not propose on Friday. With them all in on the plan I convinced Stace to take a ride with me to our favorite spot in the woods. After a long ride, a good talk, almost getting my truck stuck in the snow, snow falling (thanks dad), we made it to our favorite spot. I was so nervous but I could feel dad smiling down on us and our new future. I got down on one knee and proposed to my future wife. With tears in her eyes, she said yes. For the record, she had no idea it was coming. Thanks, dad, for making it more of a surprise. Life is full of unexpected surprises, my dad lived in the moment and will be deeply missed. I feel so blessed to have Stacy in my life. She is my rock.
Dad always had faith that somehow life would bring us together again. So much faith, that he kept a tolo picture up in the garage for eight years. Dad led by an amazing example with the way he loved my mom. Thanks Dad.
Oh Brian I am so happy that this has happened Of course me not being in Wa I was so surprised (well not really I knew that you and Stacy were in the chapter of life) I was more relieved than surprised that this revelation finally came around Can not wait to see you this weekend and hug you both