This picture was taken shortly after Ryan was born. If you look closely you can see the tears running down my Dad's cheeks. Today like every day, it is hard. I miss him more and more as each second goes by. I miss his smell, his hands and his laughter. I miss hearing Cynthia Michelle being yelled. I miss feeling safe-like only my daddy could make me feel. I still grab for the phone to call him, try to remember funny things to tell him or think he is home when I pull up to Mom and Dad's house. I know that soon I will get use to him not being here or not calling him, but honestly I am not ready for that. I am not ready for my Father to be a memory. He adored his wife, loved his children and was in love with his grandchildren. I mourn the future not the past. I am less than two weeks away from giving birth to our second child, and I am so scared. Sacred that I will finally realize that my father will not be the first one to walk in the room shortly after I have the baby.

I love you with all my heart Daddy, promise me on the day of the baby's birth I will feel your presence.
Love your,
Middle Child Cynthia Michelle
I am positive you'll feel him :) Nothing, not even death, would keep him from seeing his new grand baby... one way or another.